The President of Computerland Romania, Mr. Nicolae Badea – co-moderator of the Food Intel Forum III Edition discussions
After the success recorded on the first day of the Food Intel Forum-III Edition conference organized at the Maracineni Fruit Growing Research and Development Institute on June 25, it was the turn of the Bucharest Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (ASAS) to host the - the second panel of this prestigious conference, on July 7.
The topic of discussion was "Technological invasion in the integration of agriculture and new forms of efficiency in agribusiness" and benefited from the participation of recognized personalities from the academic environment, renowned businessmen and members of the Romanian Parliament.
The moderator of the debates was Mr. Valeriu Tabara, president of the Bucharest Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (ASAS) and former minister of agriculture.
The President of Computerland Romania, Mr. Nicolae Badea, successfully fulfilled the role of co-moderator of the debates, managing to bring to the attention of those present a sensitive issue of the current situation of Romanian agriculture, namely the disappearance of an agricultural bank from the banking market.
The debates were heated and were noted for a high level of knowledge of the current situation of the problems facing Romanian agriculture, those present insisting on the need to implement technologies and digitization processes in agriculture.
Mr. Calin Musca, Porkprod entrepreneur, referring mainly to obtaining meat products, offered a good business example demonstrating to the audience that above all, in Romania, the quality of the products is very important, their freshness, a decisive role being the method of obtaining of agricultural products.
For his part, Mr. Varujan Pambuccian, member of the Chamber of Deputies, spoke about the concept called "Autoferma", insisting on mentioning the benefits of technology and digitization of agriculture, so that the farmer can calculate and coordinate everything in an organized way from the computer.
It is important to mention the fact that the President of Computerland Romania, Mr. Nicolae Badea, with the consent of those present, emphasized at the end of the discussions on the theme " Technology of agriculture" within this day, the need to continue organizing such events where coherent ideas are presented, with simultaneously assuming some subjects that exceed the personal interests of a company or group of companies.
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