Food Intel Forum 2020 – Third Edition

COMPUTERLAND ROMANIA - GOLD sponsor at Food Intel Forum 2020, 3rd Edition

The third edition of the Food Intel Forum conference takes place this year between June 25 and July 14, 2020. The first day of the conference took place at the Pitesti-Maracineni Fruit Growing Research and Development Institute and represented an exceptional event.

The conference benefits from the support of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and brings together important names from Romanian research, official figures from the Ministry of Agriculture and APIA, together with successful businessmen, financiers, recruitment and placement companies from abroad, companies consultancy and law or input suppliers.

The GOLD sponsor of this prestigious event is Computerland Romania. Other supporters of the event are Valvis Group - Aqua Carpatica and Domeniile Samburesti, Biriș-Goran Law Firm, CEC Bank, Netafim, Adama.

During the first day of debates, the Conference was divided into two discussion panels and was moderated by Mr. Mihail Coman, Director General of ICDP Pitesti-Maracineni.

Having as the topic of discussion "Financing mechanisms for investment projects in the orchard sector", in the first panel top businessmen and top managers from the academic field took the floor, among which we can mention Mr. Jean Valvis-entrepreneur Valvis- Holding, Mr. Gabriel Biris-Founding Partner of the Biris Goran Law Firm or Mr. Valeriu Tabara, President of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.

We also mention the active participation of the foreign workforce recruitment company Working Market Agency in this conference, which was represented by Mrs. Oana Livia Badea as General Manager.

The topic of the second panel was "Increasing the competitiveness of investments in FoodBiz".

In this second discussion panel, the President of the Computerland Romania company, Mr. Nicolae Badea, had an intervention that was particularly appreciated by the participants. Important speeches were also made by businessmen and personalities from governmental or parliamentary structures, such as Mr. Emil Dumitru, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

During the event, a workshop was organized in the experimental fields and demonstration lots of ICDP Mărăcineni, as well as the Fruit Exhibition - "Blueberry hill".

The Food Intel Forum conference - the 3rd Edition will continue the debates in the new locations until July 14, the event being announced to be a great success.

programme :

  • June 25 9:30
    Financing mechanisms for investment projects in the orchard sector
    Location – ICDP Mărăcineni
  • 29 June 19:00
    Exclusive Dinner, Partners
    Exclusive Dinner Partners
    – by invitation only
  • 2 July 19:00
    Secret beers tasting
    Secret beers tasting
    – offered by Brewers of Romania Association, by invitation only
  • July 6 19:00
    Exclusive Dinner
    Exclusive Dinner
    – by invitation only
  • 07 July
    The technological invasion in the integration of agriculture
    Location – ASAS, Bucharest
  • July 8
    9:30 a.m.
    Financing the future development of Romanian agribusiness and economy
    Location – ASAS, Bucharest
  • July 9 9:30
    What are the new tastes of corporatists
    Location - Bucharest
  • July 14 9:30
    The impact of research on the increase of quality and profit in Romanian vegetable cultivation
    Location – Horting Institute, Bucharest

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