Products and technologies resulting from research activities, based on patents, approvals or own innovations. Prospective and technological studies and services resulting from the research-development activity
1. Study on the development of information and communication technology and the impact on military education
Cristea Dumitru (co-author) "Carol I" National Defense University Publishing House, [Scientific Research Center in the Field of Military Actions at Tactical and Operational Level], Bucharest 2008, 124 pages
2. Study regarding the preparation of the educational space and the technical structure of the RST pilot center
Research contract 31-077
Project: In-depth research for the creation of a pilot educational system in virtual space for the simulation of scenarios regarding natural disasters and the modes of action of citizens and institutions in crisis situations - MEDSCEN
Stage I, March 2008
3. Study regarding the design of the hardware, software and communications infrastructure of the RST educational network
Research contract 31-077
Project: In-depth research for the creation of a pilot educational system in virtual space for the simulation of scenarios regarding natural disasters and the modes of action of citizens and institutions in crisis situations - MEDSCEN
Stage II, November 2008
4. Research for the integration of software applications based on different technologies on the infrastructure of the pilot center. (Specifications for the infrastructure of the pilot center) research contract 31-077
Project: In-depth research for the creation of a pilot educational system in virtual space for the simulation of scenarios regarding natural disasters and the modes of action of citizens and institutions in crisis situations - MEDSCEN
Stage V, September 2010
5. A survey on biomedical terminologies and ontologies (Study on biomedical terminologies and ontologies) – Mihai Jitaru, Ioana Moisil, Elena Jitaru
The 31st National Medical Informatics Conference RO-MEDINF 2010, Arad, November 18-20, 2010