International Congress of Pediatric Surgery

International Congress of Pediatric Surgery & WOFAPS Annual Meeting

"Education is the taming of a flame, not the filling of a vessel" (Socrates)

The Romanian Society of Pediatric Surgery, under the patronage of the International Federation of Pediatric Surgeons' Associations (WOFAPS) and the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences, organizes in Bucharest, from June 6 to 9, 2018, the International Congress of Pediatric Surgery

"Integrated approach for better children' outcomes - avoiding disability"

The WOFAPS Executive Committee decided to hold its annual meeting on this occasion. Renowned professors, members of this Council, will share their experience during the Congress.

Considering the challenges faced by doctors involved in providing optimal treatment to patients born with one or more congenital malformations, the Congress will represent an excellent opportunity to present the most modern methods of intervention. The scientific program will address a wide variety of issues and provide a model of good clinical practice.

The opening ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 6, from 1:00 p.m., in the Crown Plaza Bucharest Conference Center, preceded by 4 hours of live broadcast "Paediatric laparoscopic surgery in congenital malformations".

The basic theme is the avoidance of disability through an integrated approach to the child. Being a multidisciplinary topic, specialist doctors from many medical fields participate: pediatric surgeons, obstetricians, paediatricians, neonatologists, orthopedists, family doctors, doctors from UPU, anesthetists, radiologists, doctors specializing in intensive care, maxillofacial surgery and thoracic surgery .

More than 165 doctors (of which 120 Romanian doctors) and 20 medical students will participate, with 48 doctors from abroad being invited as lecturers, the exchange of interdisciplinary information with colleagues from around the world being very important. Many come from Europe (Ireland, England, Holland, Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, Turkey), from Asia (India, Qatar, Israel, Lebanon, Singapore, Hong Kong), from America (Canada, Brazil and Paraguay, Colombia, Mexico), from Australia and from Africa (Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Benin, Tunisia). There is thus a very useful exchange of ideas and current information.

During the courses, live surgical demonstration sessions will familiarize participants with the latest techniques in pediatric surgery. The program will continue with over 50 hours of presentations, round tables, workshops, presentation sessions, meetings with experts, symposia and posters. Dedicated sessions will be organized for intensive care, neonatology, radiology, ENT and orthopedics.

COMPUTERLAND Romania Group was involved as the main sponsor in ensuring the smooth running of this particularly important event for increasing the quality of the medical act in the care of complex pediatric surgical pathology, especially congenital malformations.

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