Nicolae Badea, President of Computerland Romania - moderator of the discussions on " Financing the Romanian economy and agribusiness " within III edition
On November 11, 2020, starting at 10:30, in the premises of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, the penultimate debate of the 3rd edition of took place, with the title: " Financing the Romanian economy and agribusiness"
The event enjoyed the participation of Mr. Minister Adrian Oros, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. László Borbély, Councilor of State, Prime Minister's Office, Mr. Petre Roman, former Prime Minister and Mr. Varujan Pambuccian, member of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, together with prominent representatives of the banking, entrepreneurial and academic environment in the field.
The first panel was moderated by Mr. Gabriel Biris, Founding Partner, Biris-Goran Law Firm and Mr. Leontin Dinulescu, BucharestFoodSummit. Among the topics discussed were:
"Sustainable financing for a greener economy" - László Borbély, State Councilor, Prime Minister's Office
"APIA, performance in a year of challenges" - Adrian Pintea, Director General, APIA
Mr. Nicolae Badea, President of Computerland Romania, GOLD sponsor of the event, moderated the second Panel of the Forum, together with Mr. Bogdan Popovici, BucharestFoodSummit.
With a vast business experience in countless fields (IT&C, Communications, Technology, HoReCa and Industry), Mr. Nicolae Badea opened the series of discussions, arguing that a regulatory framework for projects is absolutely necessary, through which a series of of rules, which generate the desired results.
From your perspective, there should be a direct connection between the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the research centers in the country, because they must be regenerated and resettled in direct relation: research, innovation, production and capitalization. Complex concepts result from a process assumed through culture and education and it is not enough just to talk about these concepts in order to be successfully implemented.
Next, Mr. took the floor. Cristian Cosmin, Deputy General Director, National Credit Guarantee Fund for SMEs, who spoke about the IMM Invest program, followed by Ms. Ramona Ivan, Director, Department of Relations with National and International Institutions - CEC Bank.
Mr. Minister Adrian Oros, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the special guest of the event was in direct dialogue with the participants of the event, presenting the plans of the Ministry, which generated a series of questions and proposals from the farmers present in the room.
Mr. Nicolae Badea, Moderator of the Panel, brought to the attention of Minister Oros, 2 topics of great interest:
- the innovative field of research in order to preserve brands with Romanian tradition and specificity, for example: gene banks in animal husbandry, in the area of poultry breeding and in agriculture, areas that deserve to be re-consolidated
- the remodeling of agricultural processes, absolutely necessary both in the administrative area and in the technology area.
The Minister emphasized that research is very important, especially applied research, which serves the common interests of farmers.
In addition, there are examples of good practices and the digitization of programs in Agriculture is desired. At the moment there are several databases, but unfortunately they are not interconnected.
As a conclusion of the event, Mr. Nicolae Badea, emphasized that it is necessary for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to have its own IT strategy, which emphasizes the need for digitization, through open systems., now in its third edition, is the largest and most important international autumn event in Romania, in agribusiness, food production, beverage production, retail and HoReCa.
This exceptional event, which takes place between September 21 and November 19, 2020, is organized in partnership with: #RomaniaFunctioneaza, FoodBiz, CEC Bank, Casa de Avocatura Biris - Goran, ASAS, USAMV Bucharest, ASPES, FIHR, ICDP-Maracineni , HORA, Agrostandard and the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
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