Protecting Romania's cultural heritage - European cultural project
The protection, restoration and strengthening of cultural heritage in Europe has become increasingly important in recent years.
The project supported by ComputerLand Group Romania together with Manufuture Romania Association, focuses on the recovery of cultural heritage values, by building a synergistic network between academic specialists, public and private institutions.
The diligence and efforts undertaken in this regard, to outline the framework of this Project, took place in recent months not only in the country, but also on the territory of Italy, with an encouraging result by obtaining the Patronage of the Ministry of Culture and National Identity in Romania as well as the Italian Ministry of Goods, Cultural Activities and Tourism.
Cultural property must be understood by the present generations as a heritage that we have the duty to pass on as the material testimony of the value of civilization.
A first discussion session focused on the effort of research, restoration and consolidation of heritage assets, took place between 13 and 15 May 2019, at the Grand Hotel Phenicia, with guests from the Academic environment, specialists in the field of restoration and consolidation, representatives of the Ministries resorts from Romania and Italy.
Professors and specialists from Italy : Mr. Prof. Arch. Docci Mario, Sapienza University Rome – President Assircco, Mrs. Prof. Arch. Tatiana Kirova, Turin Polytechnic University, Dra. Rosa Bitetti, Expert Trainer, Assocom, Puglia Region, Mr. Nicola Gramegna, Order of Restorers, Ministry of Cultural Heritage Italy and Romania: Ms. Arch. Ileana Tureanu, President of the Union of Romanian Architects, Mrs. City Arch. Doina Bubulete, President of the Urban Planning and Protected Areas Section, MCIN, Mr. Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Opriş, Doctor Honoris Causa, "Valahia" University of Târgovişte, Mr. Cătălin Grosu, President of the Romanian Association for Protocol and Ceremonial, Mr. Dr. Laurenţiu Dragomir, the Association for Heritage Protection, "Valahia" University, worked intensively during the two days. A very topical topic was the DIGITALIZATION of the records and the valorization of cultural assets, including the implementation of the VIRTUAL MUSEUM concept.
The legal support generated by the topics addressed was provided by the Oana Livia Badea Law Firm.
In the following period, namely in the months of September - October 2019, the International Forum will be organized in Bucharest on the topic of the Project for the Protection of the National Cultural Heritage of Romania, benefiting from the support and support of the Romanian Academy, the Ministry of Culture and National Identity, the Ministry of National Education.