COMPUTERLAND ROMANIA presentation at Food Intel Forum, 2nd Edition

After the success of the 2018 edition, FoodIntelForum has become a point of reference in business debates in Romania. This is visible through the presence of some of the biggest entrepreneurs in Romania, such as Nicolae Badea - President of Computerland Romania, Jean Valvis - Valvis Holding, Cristiana Copos - Ana Pan and Ion Biris - Loft.

In Panel 2: "Food Intel: The interconnection of technology and financing in agribusiness, the food industry, the beverage industry and HORECA", Mr. Nicolae Badea, together with Mr. Dan Boboc, Dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Economics and the Environment, moderated the Conference , during which viable solutions were presented to the problems currently faced by the agricultural industry in Romania and beyond.

The agenda of the event also included the presentation of new digital technologies for controlling the entire production cycle, regardless of the field of activity, for streamlining processes, reducing costs and working time.

Computerland Romania, a company that can offer modern solutions, permanently adapted to market requirements, has understood, since 1991, that the digital development of companies, the development of the digital sector, at an alert and continuous pace, is vital for the entire process of development and adaptation to the future of Romania.

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